.COM ‘WITHout .COM, Something’s Missing’

.COM is the biggest, most famous and well recognised web domain. But, for small business start-ups, .COM is rarely the go-to choice. We were briefed to convince them that, without .COM they’re missing an integral part of their new business.

We created the second part of the ‘Without .COM, Something’s Missing’ campaign. Its aim was to drive awareness of the benefit that .COM can bring to small businesses. We wrote two scripts, ‘Brewery’ and ‘Cycle Store’ which were both directed by Brad Lubin of Minds Eye. Accompanying the films were a series of print and OOH, shot by Samuel McElwee. The campaign showcases the consequences of a small business operating without something they vitally need.

‘Cycle Store’



Out-Of-Home & PRINT


Agency - Iris London

Creative Director - Matt Gray

Art Director - Calum Langley, Pete Sanna

Copywriter - Ric Blank, Matt Weston

TV Producer - Nadia Black

Agency Producers - Paris Bennett, Lu Howlett

Business Leader - Julie Duffy

Production Company - Minds Eye

Director - Brad Lubin

Photographer - Samuel McElwee

Producer - Ben Sullivan

DOP - Benedict Spence

Editor - Gareth McEwen

Grade - Toby Tomkins at CHEAT



